Oregon’s educators are strong. We are united. And we stand up for our students every single day. 2019 has been a season of advocacy for our union. Together, we’ve led the fight to better fund our schools and support our students. We invigorated and inspired our communities like never before. Tens of thousands of us found our voices to speak truths about what our students need to be successful. And together, we passed the Student Success Act, investing $2 billion into our schools. When we stand together in union, we can truly make a difference.
Albany ESPs share the love.
Bend educators rally to pass the Student Success Act after a halfday at school.
Students from Kelly Middle School in Salem show their support for better school funding.
Photo credit: Meg Krugel
Crook County educators show their solidarity in red!
The streets of downtown Hood River were flooded with educators and community support.
We passed school board resolutions, waved signs at intersections, dropped banners on overpasses, we walked united into schools, wore a hell of a lot of red, marched 5,000 strong in Salem, and "took it to the MAX". When we stand together and speak with one voice, we can make a difference.
Thousands of educators and community supporters marched to the Capitol steps to demand that lawmakers pass the Student Success Act.
Photo credit: Meg Krugel
Union EA members gather to join the statewide actions on May 8th.
Jolly Wrapper shares his message with an amped crowd of over 25,000 in Portland.
Eugene EA member Jennifer Scurlock shares why she wears #RedforEd with the local news.
Photo credit: Chris Becerra
Over 5,000 people turned out for the March for Our Students rally at the Capitol on February 18th.
Photo credit: Meg Krugel
Crook County educators show their support for fully funded schools on May 8th!