The National Board has advanced the teaching profession by establishing and maintaining the definitive standards of excellence in teaching and certifying more than 112,000 educators against those standards.
Grounded in the National Board’s Five Core Propositions that describe what teachers should know and be able to do, the certification process is designed to collect standards-based evidence of accomplished practice. In all 25 certificate areas, candidates are required to complete four components: 1) Content Knowledge; 2) Differentiation in Instruction; 3) Teaching Practice and Learning Environment; 4) Effective and Reflective Practitioner. An assessment overview containing additional details is found at
Proven Impacts
Through National Board Certification, teachers demonstrate that their teaching meets the profession’s standards for accomplished practice through a rigorous, peer-reviewed and performance-based process, similar to professional certification in fields such as medicine. In achieving Board certification, teachers prove their ability to advance student learning and achievement.
Estimates of the increase in learning are on the order of an additional one to two months of instruction. The positive impact of having a Board-certified teacher (NBCT) is even greater for minority and low-income students. This improvement in student outcomes is mirrored by NBCTs achieving stronger results on leading measures of teacher effectiveness, including robust classroom observations and value-added scores. The compelling research on the effectiveness of Board-certified teachers is particularly noteworthy when compared to the lack of consistent research on the effectiveness of teachers with master’s degrees.
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Are you interested in becoming a National Board Certified Teacher?
The Oregon Education Association is offering Jump Start Seminars, led by Oregon NBCTs, to assist OEA and WEA members in that pursuit. OEA Jump Start is a four-day comprehensive seminar designed to provide National Board candidates with important information about the certification process, time to examine component and Assessment Center requirements, the opportunity to plan how to meet requirements, and time to collaborate, gather resources and information needed to pursue certification.
A special one-day Certification Renewal Seminar will be offered to those Oregon NBCTs who are interested in recertification. Renewal is a personal and public statement about your commitment to the profession and to your students.